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Settling In: How To Successfully Move To University

Moving away from home for the first time and going to university is a big step. It’s an exciting time full of new beginnings and opportunities, but it can also be pretty nerve-wracking – even for the extroverts among us.

So, from personalising your space to getting to know your fellow flatmates, here are our top tips for successfully settling into your new university accommodation.

Make friends with your neighbours

Striking up conversations with new people can feel quite daunting. But, the great thing about going to uni is that everyone is in the same boat, so they’ll be just as nervous and keen to make friends as you are.

Simply introducing yourself with a smile can be enough to break the ice and get the chat flowing. If you arrive before your flatmates, you could offer to give them a helping hand with their stuff. Leaving your door open will also let others know you’re happy to socialise. And, if all else fails, why not put the kettle on and crack open a packet of biscuits – you’ll be bonding with your neighbours in no time!

Looking for some more tips on making buds? Check out our handy guide on how to make friends for life at university.

Personalise your space

Whether you’re in your own apartment, or you’re sharing with someone else - adding a personal touch to your room is a great way to make yourself feel at home.

Get creative and bring the space to life with home comforts like photo frames, plants, pillows, throws, rugs, posters, and decor. You could also hang fairy lights or LEDs around your room to create that cosy, homely feel.

Check out the facilities

If you’re living in private student accommodation, then it’s likely you’ll have lots of extra facilities to explore on-site. At Yugo, all of our properties come with social spaces like common rooms, TV areas, gyms, and courtyards.

Hanging out in these areas can be a great way to meet others living at your accommodation and make new friends. Oh, and keep your eyes peeled for social events in the communal spaces throughout Freshers’ Week and beyond too.

Looking to pimp out your own space? Check out our top five Amazon finds for student dorms.

Explore the local area

Moving to university in a brand-new city is exciting. With new bars, clubs, shops, restaurants, parks and attractions on your doorstep, you’ll no doubt be keen to familiarise yourself with the area as soon as possible.

Once you’ve had some time to get used to your accommodation, why not grab your flatmates and head outside to explore? We’ve got plenty of city guides on our location pages, giving you the lowdown on the best things to see and do with your new friends.

FaceTime family and friends

If you’re upset about moving away from home – and trust us, it’s completely normal to feel this way to begin with – it can be a good idea to check in with the family. Having a familiar face to chat with on FaceTime might be all the encouragement you need.

Your friends from back home who’ve started uni at the same time as you might also be feeling nervous and a bit homesick. Whether it’s through FaceTime or a group WhatsApp chat, keeping in touch regularly and sharing your experiences with your OG friends will help you feel reassured.

Look after yourself

Moving to university is an incredible, life-changing experience. You get to make new friends, gain independence, and pursue your passions - but late nights, wild parties, and studying until the small hours can take their toll.

Try and take good care of yourself by getting as much sleep as you can, and eating as healthily as possible. If you’re ever feeling down, reach out to friends, family or your university counselling service to get the support you need. Remember, you’re here to learn and grow – and not just educationally!

Here at Yugo, we help students live their best lives. Ready to move away from home? Book your room today for a university experience you won’t forget.