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Whether you’re a first-time student, or a third-year veteran – making the most of your student digs is a super important part of your university lifestyle. Moving away from home can be tough – we hear you. But the independence gained and experiences, ahem, experienced – truly do outweigh the cons.

So, how do you make your ‘home away from home’ a place you are proud to present? Personalising it, of course! There are hundreds of ways you can make your lifestyle simpler, easier, and more fun whilst you are at uni – and the way you personalise your accommodation is a huge contender.

To help you along the way, Yugo, the global student housing brand and operator, has tirelessly trawled through TikTok to discover and reveal its top five must-have Amazon finds to update your space for 2023 – so you can create the ultimate destination to return to after a long day of lectures… or a longer evening on the dance floor.

1. A portable washing machine 

Pay as you wash laundry is the devil. We understand, say no more. The dreaded trip to the machines with a seemingly seven-tonne binbag of clothes, towels, and bedding can feel like a gargantuan task, but there are other options to be explored.

This delectable find is your saving grace. Lightweight, durable, and small enough to store away – this portable clothes washing device is ideal for students to save money, time, and effort – without even leaving your flat. Simply place your clothes in the machine, fill it with hot water and a detergent of your choice, and let it do its thing. No plumbing, no embarrassing situations where your crush sees your oldest pair of holey underpants, and no pocket change needed. It even has a handy spin function to help with drying. Banger.

2. Collapsible laundry basket

If a portable washing machine really isn’t your thing, we think you need to upgrade that binbag to something a tad more stylish. A collapsible laundry basket is the ultimate space saving alternative to make those trips to the laundrette a little easier. Plus, when you’re not using it for laundry, it is a great versatile item that you can also use to store clean clothes, bed linen, towels, or all of that change you got out to feed the machines.

3. Over the door hooks

As we all know, drilling holes into the walls of your student digs is frowned upon. But, you have so many things you need to hang up! Ugh. We understand. So, we found these handy over the door hooks you can use as a great space saving alternative. This one even has additional shelf space, so you can store books, stationery, or snacks too. Bonus points for adding one to your bathroom to keep your toiletries tidy.

4. Plughole protector

Being a student, we understand that sometimes, only Super Noodles will do. But whether you are a kitchen connoisseur, or you genuinely do prefer a handy pre-prepared dish – we bet your communal kitchen sink has seen a scarily vast range of disposed delicacies. Ah yes, we’re talking about the dreaded plughole full of unidentifiable mush.

If you’re like us and will run to the end of the earth to avoid putting your hands in that goopy mess, you need this plughole protector. It catches all of the leftover food bits from your plates and cutlery, and lifts away for easy disposal. No bad smells, no mess. You can also use it over your shower plughole to prevent it getting clogged with hair. Bonus.

5. Sunrise alarm clock

We understand your sleep schedule changes once you move out of your family home. All of a sudden, you don’t actually need to be awake until your lecture at 2pm, and you may not be going to bed until 3am after the freshers event of the century. Whichever way you choose to run your schedule, you should still be aiming to get a solid eight hours of sleep. So, help yourself out with this sunrise alarm clock. You can programme your own ‘sunrise’ at whatever time you wish, allowing you to wake naturally to the ‘sun’ – even if its 3pm. You can also use it as a nightlight, and it has a handy radio function – who doesn’t love waking up to the sound of Radio One in the background?

So, there you have it. Yugo’s top five Amazon must-haves for your student digs in 2023. Whether you are looking to make your life easier, or simply love an impulse purchase, hopefully these top selections have provided you with ample inspiration to upgrade your accommodation this year.

To find out more about Yugo and its accommodations in the UK and Worldwide, please visit here.