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Results Day: Before, During & After the Most Important Day This Year

As any A-Level student knows, these qualifications are the gateway to your place in higher education. And on 15th August, students up and down the country will be heading to their colleges to find out if they’ve done enough to secure their places in their chosen universities. Regardless of how positive or negative you feel about your results, it’s a stressful thing to do, and there will be a lot to take in.

Knowing what to expect from the day will help you prepare yourself for it, and learning how to prepare yourself for a big day is a key skill that all university students need to master, so learning how it’s done nice and early will give you an advantage, not only on the day, but throughout the course of your degree.

The Night Before

Telling you to distract yourself, to switch off, and to try to focus on other things 24 hours before results day would be pointless advice. If you can, great! But in reality, no student who is invested in their results and the effort that they have put into their A-Levels will want to focus on anything but those all-important grades. Instead, the best piece of advice for you to follow is to make sure that you have a proper meal and a good night’s sleep.

As with any potentially stressful situation, it’s important to make sure that you’re well-nourished and well-rested before you face the day. You generally won’t know what to expect from your results and what they mean for your future, and ensuring that you’re prepared for any outcome will help you make the right decisions the following day.

If you’re struggling to get to sleep, you can try one of the following techniques to help you to drift off into a natural slumber:

On the Day

A Mini Guide to UCAS Track

UCAS Track is the portal that you log into in order to find out whether you have been accepted onto your chosen courses.


Making sure that you have something to eat before you go to collect your results is important, because you will be using the remainder of the day to make some important decisions – the last thing you want to be feeling is fatigued while you’re doing so.


Your results will essentially decide whether you get onto your preferred university course or not, and you’re recommended to prepare yourself for any outcome. Ensure that you bring your mobile phone in case you have to get in touch with universities, as well as their contact details in case you need them. It is also recommended that you take a calculator along if your phone doesn’t have one built in, because you’ll need to add up your module results and double check that they all make sense.

What’s the Outcome?

There are a few potential outcomes when it comes to your university offers, and it all depends on the decisions that you made when you were choosing the course that you would prefer to be your firm offer (and those which were your insurance options).

You’ve Accepted Your Place, Now What?

So you’ve received your offers and accepted one of them. Now it’s time to prepare yourself for life as a student. There’s loads to do, so you ought to start thinking about where you’re going to stay, what you’re going to do, and what you need to start buying to begin the student experience. If you’re after advice about student life and where to begin, then take a look at our blog for the latest info.