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Privacy Policy

These privacy statements set out the terms on which The Student Housing Company Limited collects, processes and stores personal information (also known as personal data). The privacy statements outline the types of information we gather from you; how we use it; with whom we share it; the means by which we keep it secure; and the choices you have about the information you choose to share with us. Under no circumstances will The Student Housing Company Limited or its affiliates sell your personal information to third parties.

The Student Housing Company Limited takes your data privacy seriously and is committed to processing, storing and protecting your personal information with the utmost seriousness.

When you contact us, whether it be by email, telephone, through a form on our website or completing an application form for a room with us, we need to collect certain personal data relating to you to ensure you receive the best possible service from us.

We collect certain personal information relating to you throughout our relationship with you, whether it be you making an initial enquiry to view a room; applying for a room with us; entering into a contract with us for a room; acting as a guarantor for a person who is entering into a contract with us; or being nominated as next of kin of a person entering into a contract with us.

That means we have different types of privacy policies depending on which stage you are at. For further information, continue reading below for the most appropriate stage you are at with us to find out more about:

Who are We?

The Student Housing Company Limited is a subsidiary of the Global Student Accommodation Group Limited, known as “GSA”. GSA provides student accommodation across the globe and we strive to provide safe, affordable, comfortable, high-quality accommodation for students. For further information on GSA, please visit

Any reference in this, and the accompanying statements, to GSA includes reference to The Student Housing Company Limited and all other companies within the GSA group of companies.

Should you wish to contact us, The Student Housing Company Limited’s address is Meridian House, 16B Dennyview Road, Abbots Leigh, Bristol BS8 3RB. Alternatively, you may contact us by visiting the “Contact Us” section of this website.

GSA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office in the United Kingdom.  This privacy statement applies to personal information collected by GSA. It does not apply to any personal information that is collected by third parties, individuals, organisations or other websites which GSA may be linked from or linked to. In the case of any third parties collecting your personal information, their own privacy policies will apply.

Data Protection Legislation

In these privacy statements, “Data Protection Legislation” means all laws, subordinate legislation, enactments and regulations relating to the processing, privacy and use of personal data, as applicable to GSA, as in force and applicable from time to time and as the same may be amended, supplemented or replaced.    

Making an enquiry, registering or applying for a room with us.

What is the purpose of our privacy statement?

Under the Data Protection Legislation, we are required to provide an explanation as to why we require you to provide certain personal information (also known as “personal data”) relating to you; how we intend to use the personal information you provide to us; and whether or not we will share that information with anyone else.

What information are we collecting?

GSA limits the personal information it collects to the personal information required to provide the services you have requested. You may provide that information to us via our website enquiry form, over the telephone, via email, in person or through an application form. The types of personal information we collect may include, for example:

In certain circumstances, we may also collect certain special categories of personal information, such as information concerning your health, which are known as sensitive personal data.

Why are we collecting your information?

In order to provide you with the service you have requested, GSA requires certain personal information be shared with us. Such personal information may be provided to us via channels such as email, our website enquiry form, over the telephone, in person or when completing an application form. Without this information, it would not be possible for us to provide you with the service you have requested.

What do we do with your information?

GSA will use the personal information you provide to us in the following ways:

The personal information we collect from you will be securely stored by us in accordance with our internal data protection policies and procedures which have been assessed to ensure they meet the requirements set out under the Data Protection Legislation.

It will be used by us in accordance with this privacy statement and also in accordance with your rights under the Data Protection Legislation.

Occasionally, and only when relevant, GSA may collect special categories of personal information (sometimes referred to as sensitive personal data) relating to you, such as information relating to your health and/or any disabilities you may have. Such information will be used to assess your accommodation needs and ensure that any accommodation we may offer to you meets your requirements. By providing us with such sensitive personal information, you consent to us using it for this purpose. Should you not provide us with this consent, we may not be able to allocate to you a room appropriate for your needs.

Do we share your personal information?

Members of the GSA group of companies

GSA operates globally and, as such, has a number of subsidiary companies in various jurisdictions around the world. Your personal information may be shared amongst GSA group companies, but only where it is necessary to do so to provide the services you have requested. The obligations set out within these privacy statements apply to all GSA group companies to the same extent they apply to The Student Housing Company Limited.

For further information on which companies make up GSA, please contact the Data Protection Officer at [email protected]

Third-Party Service Providers

It may be necessary for GSA to share your personal information with our service providers in order to provide you with the services you have requested. GSA will only share such personal information with such service providers to the extent required to enable us to provide the services you have requested. GSA has assessed its service providers to ensure they have appropriate data protection safeguards and frameworks in place to allow them to comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Legislation.

Within the terms and conditions of our contracts with our service providers, it is clearly stated that such service providers are not permitted to share your personal information with any other parties and are only to use the information in the course of their work on behalf of GSA.

Regulators and other legal obligations

We may, from time to time, also be required to share your information with regulators, crime prevention agencies and other organisations who are permitted access to such personal information as a matter of law.

Do we transfer your personal information abroad?

GSA may transfer the information you provide to other GSA group companies outside of the EEA as previously stated. GSA operates a global Data Protection Policy which all GSA group companies must comply with. This ensures the safe handling of your personal information outside of the EEA in compliance with the Data Protection Legislation.

What security measures concerning your personal information do we have in place?

GSA ensures that any personal information you provide to us is securely stored on our systems and servers and that any paper-based records of your personal information will be stored and destroyed in accordance with our data retention policies and procedures. We treat data security with the utmost seriousness and take appropriate measures to implement industry-leading standards to protect your personal information.

GSA further ensures that only relevant members of staff have access to your personal information. This is achieved by our Data Access Policy which provides that your personal information will only be available to relevant members of staff who have a legitimate reason for accessing your personal information.

Can GSA use your information for any other purpose?

GSA may wish to market its products and services to you throughout your university/college life. GSA is required to obtain specific consent from you for such marketing. However, if you do not positively opt to receive such marketing, we will not contact you for this purpose.

GSA will not use your personal information for any purpose other than providing the services you have requested and, if you have explicitly consented for it to do so, for its own marketing purposes.

How does GSA store your personal information and when does GSA delete it?

GSA stores your personal information on a database that is specific to your enquiry. That database provides us with your personal information and allows us to respond to your enquiry as well as sending you marketing emails, but only if you have opted to receive such materials. Your personal information is stored in accordance with our Data Retention Policy which states that, following an enquiry from you, we will hold your data for no more than six months unless you subsequently enter into a contract with us. At the end of the six-month retention period, if you have not entered into a contract with us, your personal information will be destroyed and/or deleted from our records. For details of how long we will store your personal information should you enter into a contract with us, please see our Privacy Statement – Contracting and Living With Us.

GSA also has various legal and regulatory obligations which dictate the length of time your personal information is held on our systems and servers.

What are your rights?

The Data Protection Legislation provides individuals with the following rights:

This provides you with the right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal information, our retention periods in relation to your personal information and those with whom we will share your personal information.

You have the right to access the personal information we hold on you, together with certain supplementary information. This allows you to be aware of and verify the lawfulness of the processing of your personal information by GSA and the accuracy of the personal information we hold on you.

If any of the personal information we hold on you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to require that it be corrected and completed as appropriate. You can make a request for us to rectify your personal data verbally or in writing and GSA has one calendar month to respond to your request for rectification.

Under the Data Protection Legislation, you have the right to request that your personal information is erased from our systems and servers (this is also known as ‘the right to be forgotten’). Where your personal information has been shared by GSA with third parties (either other companies within the GSA group or our third-party service providers), you also have the right to request that your personal information will be deleted by these third parties. As per your right to rectification, you can request us to erase your personal information verbally or in writing and GSA has one calendar month to respond to your request for erasure. Please note that this right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances.

You have the right to request that GSA restricts or suppresses your personal information. Again, you can request that we restrict our processing activities either verbally or in writing and GSA has one calendar month to respond to your request. Again, this right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances. For example, you may decide that you do not want us to use your personal information for marketing purposes. This would involve us deleting your personal information from our marketing databases.

Under the Data Protection Legislation, you have the right to obtain and reuse your personal information for your own purposes. That right allows you to move, copy or transfer your personal information easily from one IT environment to another in a safe and secure way, without hindering its usability. This information must be provided free of charge and be provided within one calendar month of request.

You have the right to object to your personal information being processed for direct marketing (including profiling). Upon request, GSA is obliged to stop processing your personal information for such purposes and do so free of charge.

The Data Protection Legislation contains rules which aim to protect individuals where there is solely automated decision-making that has legal or similarly significant effects on them. GSA does not carry out this type of personal information processing. However, if you have any concerns that your personal information is being used for this type of activity then please contact the GSA Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

In short, you have the right to

Our obligations to comply with the above rights are subject to certain exemptions and further information on these exemptions can be obtained by contacting the GSA Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

In the event that GSA is using your personal information because you have provided consent for us to do so, you can withdraw that consent at any time. This can be done either in writing or verbally, or where you have registered with us, through the online portal which allows you to amend your consents at any time. The lawfulness of our use of your information before consent was withdrawn is not affected.

To exercise any of the rights referred to above, you should contact our Data Protection Officer either in writing to: The Data Protection Officer, GSA Group, Meridian House, 16B Dennyview Road, Abbots Leigh, Bristol BS8 3RB or by email to [email protected].

You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (the "ICO") if you are not satisfied with the way in which we use your personal information. You can contact the ICO by writing to Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

What is the legal basis for using your information?

GSA is required to have a “legal basis” for collecting, processing and storing your personal information. Under the Data Protection Legislation, there are six available lawful bases which allow for us to process personal information. These are:

As you have not yet entered (or may not enter) into a contract with us, the lawful basis that GSA relies upon when collecting, processing and storing your personal information is Legitimate Interests. That is on the basis that it is necessary for us to obtain and maintain your personal information on our systems in order to respond to your enquiry and see if we can allocate you a room in the property you have enquired about with a view to ultimately entering into a contract with you.

If you have consented to us contacting you for marketing purposes, the legal basis for us contacting you for such purposes is Consent. In the event that we collect, process and store sensitive personal data about you, the lawful basis for us doing so will be your provision of explicit consent.

GSA’s Data Protection Officer

GSA’s Data Protection Officer has responsibility for overseeing what GSA does with your personal information and ensuring that GSA collects, retains and processes your personal information in compliance with the Data Protection Legislation.

In the event that you have any concerns or queries regarding how GSA uses your personal information, or you have any questions as to how GSA approaches its obligations under the Data Protection Legislation, you can contact the GSA Data Protection Officer by writing to: The Data Protection Officer, GSA Group, Meridian House, 16B Dennyview Road, Abbots Leigh, Bristol BS8 3RB. Alternatively, you can email the GSA Data Protection Officer at: [email protected]   

Privacy Statement - Contracting and Living with us

What is the purpose of our privacy statement?

Under the Data Protection Legislation, we are required to provide an explanation as to why we require you to provide certain personal information (also known as “personal data”) relating to you; how we intend to use the personal information you provide to us; and whether or not we will share that information with anyone else.

Who are we?

The Student Housing Company Limited is a subsidiary of the Global Student Accommodation Group Limited, known as “GSA”. GSA provides student accommodation across the globe and we strive to provide safe, affordable, comfortable, high-quality accommodation for students. For further information on GSA, please visit

Any reference to GSA in this statement includes The Student Housing Company Limited and all other companies within the GSA group of companies. Should you wish to contact us, The Student Housing Company Limited’s address is Meridian House, 16B Dennyview Road, Abbots Leigh, Bristol BS8 3RB. Alternatively, you may contact us by visiting the “Contact Us” section of this website.

GSA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office in the United Kingdom.

This privacy statement applies to personal information collected by GSA. It does not apply to any personal information that is collected by third parties, individuals, organisations or other websites which GSA may be linked from or linked to. In the case of any third parties collecting your personal information, their own privacy policies will apply.

What information are we collecting?

GSA limits the personal information it collects to the personal information required to provide the services you have requested and to allow us to enter into and fulfil our obligations and exercise our rights under our contract with you. You may provide that information to us via our website enquiry form, over the telephone, via email, in person or through an application form. The types of personal information we collect may include, for example:

In certain circumstances, we may also collect certain special categories of personal information, such as information concerning your health, which are known as sensitive personal data.

Why are we collecting your information?

In order to enter into, and fulfil our obligations and exercise our rights under your contract with us, GSA requires certain personal information be shared with us. Such personal information may be provided to us through channels such as email, our website enquiry form, over the telephone, in person or when completing an application form. Without this information, it would not be possible for us to provide you with the service you have requested.

What do we do with your information?

GSA will use the personal information you provide to us in the following ways:

The personal information we collect from you will be securely stored by us in accordance with our internal data protection policies and procedures which have been assessed to ensure they meet the requirements set out under the Data Protection Legislation. It will be used by us in accordance with this privacy statement and also in accordance with your rights under the Data Protection Legislation.

Occasionally, and only when relevant, GSA may collect special categories of personal information (sometimes referred to as sensitive personal data) relating to you, such as information relating to your health and/or any disabilities you may have. Such information will be used to assess your accommodation needs and to ensure that your accommodation meets your requirements. By providing us with such sensitive personal information, you consent to us using it for these purposes. Should you not provide us with this consent, we may not be able to allocate you a room appropriate for your needs.

Do we share your personal information?

Members of the GSA group of companies

GSA operates globally and, as such, has a number of subsidiary companies in various jurisdictions around the world. Your personal information may be shared amongst GSA group companies, but only where it is necessary to do so to provide the services you have requested. The obligations set out within these privacy statements apply to all GSA group companies to the same extent they apply to The Student Housing Company Limited.

For further information on which companies make up GSA, please contact the Data Protection Officer at [email protected]

Third-Party Service Providers

It may be necessary for GSA to share your personal information with our service providers in order to provide you with the services you have requested and to fulfil our obligations and exercise our rights under the contract between us. GSA will only share such personal information with contractors and sub-contractors to the extent required. GSA has assessed such service providers to ensure they have appropriate data protection safeguards and frameworks in place which allow them to comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Legislation.

Within the terms and conditions of our contracts with such service providers, it is clearly stated that such service providers are not permitted to share your personal information with any other parties and are only to use the information in the course of their work on behalf of GSA.

Regulators and other legal obligations

We may, from time to time, also be required to share your information with regulators, crime prevention agencies and other organisations who are permitted access to such personal information as a matter of law.

Other organisations

GSA may from time to time share your information with other organisations, such as:

Does GSA transfer your personal information abroad?

GSA may transfer the information you provide to other GSA group companies outside of the EEA as previously stated. GSA operates a global Data Protection Policy which all GSA group companies must comply with. This ensures the safe handling of your personal information outside of the EEA in compliance with the Data Protection Legislation.

What security measures concerning your personal information do we have in place?

GSA ensures that any personal information you provide to us is securely stored on our systems and servers and that any paper-based records of your personal information will be stored and destroyed in accordance with our data retention policies and procedures. We treat data security with the utmost seriousness and take appropriate measures to implement industry-leading standards to protect your personal information.

GSA further ensures that only relevant members of staff have access to your personal information. This is achieved by our Data Access Policy which provides that your personal information will only be available to relevant members of staff who have a legitimate reason for accessing your personal information.

Can GSA use your information for any other purpose?

GSA may wish to market its products and services to you throughout your university/college life. However, GSA is required to obtain specific consent from you for such marketing. If you do not positively opt to receive such marketing, we will not contact you for that purpose. GSA will not use your personal information for any purpose other than providing the services you have requested; fulfilling our obligations and exercising our rights under our contract with you; and, if you have explicitly consented for it to do so, for its own marketing purposes.

How does GSA store your personal information and when does GSA delete it?

GSA stores your personal information on a database that is specific to your contract with us and any previous contact you may have made with us and provides us with your personal information which allows us to enter into and fulfil our obligations and exercise our rights under our contract with you as well as sending you marketing emails, but only if you have opted to receive such materials. Your personal information is stored in accordance with our Data Retention Policy which states that we will hold your data for no more than seven years following termination of our contract with you. At the end of the six-year retention period, your personal data will be destroyed and/or deleted from our records.

GSA also has various legal and regulatory obligations which dictate the length of time your personal information is held on our systems and servers.

What are your rights?

The Data Protection Legislation provides individuals with the following rights:

This provides you with the right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal information, our retention periods in relation to your personal information and those with whom we will share your personal information.

You have the right to access the personal information we hold on you, together with certain supplementary information. This allows you to be aware of and verify the lawfulness of the processing of your personal information by GSA and the accuracy of the personal information we hold on you.

If any of the personal information we hold on you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to require that it be corrected and completed as appropriate. You can make a request for us to rectify your personal data verbally or in writing and GSA has one calendar month to respond to your request for rectification.

Under the Data Protection Legislation, you have the right to request that your personal information is erased from our systems and servers (this is also known as ‘the right to be forgotten’). Where your personal information has been shared by GSA with third parties (either other companies within the GSA group or our third-party service providers), you also have the right to request that your personal information will be deleted by these third parties. As per your right to rectification, you can request us to erase your personal information verbally or in writing and GSA has one calendar month to respond to your request for erasure. Please note that this right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances.

You have the right to request that GSA restricts or suppresses your personal information. Again, you can request that we restrict our processing activities either verbally or in writing and GSA has one calendar month to respond to your request. Again, this right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances. For example, you may decide that you do not want us to use your personal information for marketing purposes. This would involve us deleting your personal information from our marketing databases.

Under the Data Protection Legislation, you have the right to obtain and reuse your personal information for your own purposes across different services. That right allows you to move, copy or transfer your personal information easily from one IT environment to another in a safe and secure way, without hindering its usability. This information must be provided free of charge and be provided within one calendar month of request.

You have the right to object to your personal information being processed for direct marketing (including profiling). Upon request, GSA is obliged to stop processing your personal information for such purposes and do so free of charge.

The Data Protection Legislation contains rules which aim to protect individuals where there is solely automated decision-making that has legal or similarly significant effects on them. GSA does not carry out this type of personal information processing. However, if you have any concerns that your personal information is being used for this type of activity then please contact the GSA Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

In short, you have the right to

Our obligations to comply with the above rights are subject to certain exemptions and further information on these exemptions can be obtained by contacting the GSA Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

In the event that GSA is using your personal information because you have provided consent for us to do so, you can withdraw that consent at any time. This can be done either in writing or verbally, or where you have registered with us, through the online portal which allows you to amend your consents at any time. The lawfulness of our use of your information before consent was withdrawn is not affected.

To exercise any of the rights referred to above, you should contact our Data Protection Officer either in writing to: The Data Protection Officer, GSA Group, Meridian House, 16B Dennyview Road, Abbots Leigh, Bristol BS8 3RB or by email to [email protected].

You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (the "ICO") if you are not satisfied with the way in which we use your personal information. You can contact the ICO by writing to Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

What is the legal basis for using your information?

GSA is required to have a “legal basis” for collecting, processing and storing your personal information. Under the Data Protection Legislation, there are six available lawful bases which allow for us to process personal information. These are:

The lawful basis that GSA relies upon when collecting, processing and storing your personal information is Contract. If you have consented to us contacting you for marketing purposes, the legal basis for us contacting you for such purpose is Consent. In the event that we collect, process and store sensitive personal data about you, the lawful basis for us doing so will be your provision of explicit consent.

GSA’s Data Protection Officer

GSA’s Data Protection Officer has responsibility for overseeing what GSA does with your personal information and ensuring that GSA collects, retains and processes your personal information in compliance with the Data Protection Legislation.

In the event that you have any concerns or queries regarding how GSA uses your personal information, or you have any questions as to how GSA approaches its obligations under the Data Protection Legislation, you can contact the GSA Data Protection Officer by writing to: The Data Protection Officer, GSA Group, Meridian House, 16B Dennyview Road, Abbots Leigh, Bristol BS8 3RB. Alternatively, you can email the GSA Data Protection Officer at: [email protected] 

Privacy Statement - Being a Guarantor

What is the purpose of our privacy statement?

Under the Data Protection Legislation, we are required to provide an explanation as to why we require you to provide certain personal information (also known as “personal data”) relating to you; how we intend to use the personal information you provide to us; and whether or not we will share that information with anyone else.

Who are we?

The Student Housing Company Limited is a subsidiary of the Global Student Accommodation Group Limited, known as “GSA”. GSA provides student accommodation across the globe and we strive to provide safe, affordable, comfortable, high-quality accommodation for students. For further information on GSA, please visit

Any reference to GSA in this statement includes The Student Housing Company Limited and all other companies within the GSA group of companies. Should you wish to contact us, The Student Housing Company Limited’s address is Meridian House, 16B Dennyview Road, Abbots Leigh, Bristol BS8 3RB should you wish to contact us in writing. Alternatively, you may contact us by visiting the “Contact Us” section of this website.

GSA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office in the United Kingdom.

This privacy statement applies to personal information collected by GSA. It does not apply to any personal information that is collected by third parties, individuals, organisations or other websites which GSA may be linked from or linked to. In the case of any third parties collecting your personal information, their own privacy policies will apply.

What information are we collecting?

GSA limits the personal information it collects to the personal information required to allow us to enter into and exercise our rights under the guarantee you have granted to us and under the contract you have guaranteed. The types of personal information we collect may include, for example:

Why are we collecting your information?

As you are acting as a Guarantor to a student staying in our residences, GSA requires certain pieces of your personal information be shared with us in order that we may enter into and exercise our rights under the guarantee you have granted to us and the contract you have guaranteed. Without this personal information, GSA would be unable to exercise such rights.

What do we do with your information?

GSA will use the personal information you provide to us to allow us to enter into and exercise our rights under the guarantee you have granted to us and the contract you have guaranteed. This may include taking payment from you in relation to the contract you are acting as Guarantor for. We may also need to instruct and liaise with credit reference agencies and debt collection agencies (which will allow us to recover any monies owed by you in relation to the contract you are acting as Guarantor for).

The personal information we collect from you will be securely stored by us in accordance with our internal data protection policies and procedures which have been assessed to ensure they meet the requirements set out under the Data Protection Legislation.

It will be used by us in accordance with this privacy statement and also in accordance with your rights under the Data Protection Legislation.

Do we share your personal information?

Members of the GSA group of companies

GSA operates globally and, as such, has a number of subsidiary companies in various jurisdictions around the world. Your personal information may be shared amongst GSA group companies, but only where it is necessary to do so to provide the services you have requested. The obligations set out within these privacy statements apply to all GSA group companies to the same extent they apply to The Student Housing Company Limited.

For further information on which companies make up GSA, please contact the Data Protection Officer at [email protected]

Third-Party Service Providers

It may be necessary for GSA to share your personal information with service providers in order to exercise our rights under the guarantee you have granted to us and the contract you have guaranteed. GSA will only share such personal information with such service providers to the extent required to enable us to exercise our rights under the guarantee you have granted to us and the contract you have guaranteed. GSA has assessed its service providers to ensure they have appropriate data protection safeguards and frameworks in place which allow them to comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Legislation.

Within the terms and conditions of our contracts with our service providers, it is clearly stated that such service providers are not permitted to share your personal information with any other parties and are only to use the information in the course of their work on behalf of GSA.

Regulators and other legal obligations

We may, from time to time, also be required to share your information with regulators, crime prevention agencies and other organisations who are permitted access such personal information as a matter of law.

Other organisations

GSA may, from time to time, share your information with other organisations such as credit reference agencies and debt recovery agents (should you be called upon as Guarantor to fulfil your obligations set out in the guarantee you have granted to us).

Does GSA transfer your personal information abroad?

GSA may transfer the information you provide to other GSA group companies outside of the EEA as previously stated. GSA operates a global Data Protection Policy which all GSA group companies must comply with. This ensures the safe handling of your personal information outside of the EEA in compliance with the Data Protection Legislation.

What security measures concerning your personal information do we have in place?

GSA ensures that any personal information you provide to us is securely stored on our systems and servers and that any paper-based records of your personal information will be stored and destroyed in accordance with our data retention policies and procedures. We treat data security with the utmost seriousness and take appropriate measures to implement industry-leading standards to protect your personal information. GSA further ensures that only relevant members of staff have access to your personal information. This is achieved by our Data Access Policy which provides that your personal information will only be available to relevant members of staff who have a legitimate reason for accessing your personal information.

Can GSA use your information for any other purpose?

GSA will not use your personal information for any other purposes other than entering into and exercising our rights under the guarantee you have granted to us and the contract you have guaranteed.

How does GSA store your personal information and when does GSA delete it?

GSA stores your personal information on a database that is specific to the guarantee you have granted to us and the contract you have guaranteed and provides us with your personal information in order that we may enter into and exercise our rights under such guarantee and contract. Your personal information is stored in accordance with our Data Retention Policy which states that we will hold your personal data for at least the length of the contract you have guaranteed. Upon the expiry of the contract, GSA reviews that contract and determines whether or not there is a valid reason for holding onto such personal information. GSA may need to retain your personal information following the termination of the contract if the resident is in arrears of their rent under their contract with us, in which case we will need to retain your personal information for as long as it is necessary for us to recover the arrears.

GSA also has various legal and regulatory obligations which dictate the length of time your personal information is held on our systems and servers.

What are your rights?

The Data Protection Legislation provides individuals with the following rights:

This provides you with the right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal information, our retention periods in relation to your personal information and those with whom we will share your personal data.

You have the right to access the personal information we hold on you, together with certain supplementary information. This allows you to be aware of and verify the lawfulness of the processing of your personal information by GSA and the accuracy of the personal information we hold on you.

If any of the personal information we hold on you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to require that it be corrected and completed as appropriate. You can make a request for us to rectify your personal data verbally or in writing and GSA has one calendar month to respond to your request for rectification.

Under the Data Protection Legislation, you have the right to request that your personal information is erased from our systems and servers (this is also known as ‘the right to be forgotten’). Where your personal information has been shared by GSA with third parties (either other companies within the GSA group or third-party service providers), you also have the right to request that your personal information will be deleted by these third parties. As per your right to rectification, you can request us to erase your personal information verbally or in writing and GSA has one calendar month to respond to your request for erasure. Please note that this right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances.

You have the right to request that GSA restricts or suppresses your personal information. Again, you can request that we restrict our processing activities either verbally or in writing and GSA has one calendar month to respond to your request. Again, this right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances. For example, you may decide that you do not want us to use your personal information for marketing purposes. This would involve us deleting your personal information from our marketing databases.

Under the Data Protection Legislation, you have the right to obtain and reuse your personal information for your own purposes across different services. That right allows you to move, copy or transfer your personal information easily from one IT environment to another in a safe and secure way, without hindering its usability. This information must be provided free of charge and be provided within one calendar month of request.

You have the right to object to your personal information being processed for direct marketing (including profiling). Upon request, GSA is obliged to stop processing your personal information for such purposes and do so free of charge.

The Data Protection Legislation contains rules which aim to protect individuals where there is solely automated decision-making that has legal or similarly significant effects on them. GSA does not carry out this type of personal information processing. However, if you have any concerns that your personal information is being used for this type of activity then please contact the GSA Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

In short, you have the right to

Our obligations to comply with the above rights are subject to certain exemptions and further information on these exemptions can be obtained by contacting the GSA Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

To exercise any of the rights referred to above, you should contact our Data Protection Officer either in writing to: The Data Protection Officer, GSA Group, Meridian House, 16B Dennyview Road, Abbots Leigh, Bristol BS8 3RB or by email to [email protected].

You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (the "ICO") if you are not satisfied with the way in which we use your personal information. You can contact the ICO by writing to Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

What is the legal basis for using your information?

GSA is required to have a “legal basis” for collecting, processing and storing your personal information. Under the Data Protection Legislation, there are six available lawful bases which allow for us to process personal information. These are:

The lawful basis that GSA relies upon when collecting, processing and storing your personal information is Contract; i.e. the guarantee you have granted to us.

GSA’s Data Protection Officer

GSA’s Data Protection Officer has responsibility for overseeing what GSA does with your personal information and ensuring that GSA collects, retains and processes your personal information in compliance with the Data Protection Legislation.

In the event that you have any concerns or queries regarding how GSA uses your personal information, or you have any questions as to how GSA approaches its obligations under the Data Protection Legislation, you can contact the GSA Data Protection Officer by writing to: The Data Protection Officer, GSA Group, Meridian House, 16B Dennyview Road, Abbots Leigh, Bristol BS8 3RB. Alternatively, you can email the GSA Data Protection Officer at: [email protected]   

Privacy Statement – Next of Kin

What is the purpose of our privacy statement?

Under the Data Protection Legislation, we are required to provide an explanation as to why we require you to provide certain personal information (also known as “personal data”) relating to you; how we intend to use the personal information you provide to us; and whether or not we will share that information with anyone else.

Who are we?

The Student Housing Company Limited is a subsidiary of the Global Student Accommodation Group Limited, known as “GSA”. GSA provides student accommodation across the globe and we strive to provide safe, affordable, comfortable, high-quality accommodation for students. For further information on GSA, please visit

Any reference to GSA in this statement includes The Student Housing Company Limited and all other companies within the GSA group of companies.

Should you wish to contact us, The Student Housing Company Limited’s address is Meridian House, 16B Dennyview Road, Abbots Leigh, Bristol BS8 3RB. Alternatively, you may contact us by visiting the “Contact Us” section of this website.

GSA is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office in the United Kingdom.

This privacy statement applies to personal information collected by GSA. It does not apply to any personal information that is collected by third parties, individuals, organisations or other websites which GSA may be linked from or linked to. In the case of any third parties collecting your personal information, their own privacy policies will apply.

What information are we collecting?

GSA limits the personal information it collects to the personal information required to allow us to contact you in cases of emergency. The types of personal information we collect may include, for example:

Why are we collecting your information?

As you have been nominated as next of kin of a student staying in our residences, GSA requires certain pieces of your personal information be shared with us in order that we may contact you in cases of emergency relating to that student. Without this personal information, GSA would be unable to contact you in such cases.

What do we do with your information?

GSA will only use the personal information provided to us to contact you in cases of emergency relating to the student who has nominated you as their next of kin. GSA will not use your personal information for any other purpose.

The personal information we collect from you will be securely stored by us in accordance with our internal data protection policies and procedures which have been assessed to ensure they meet the requirements set out under the Data Protection Legislation.

It will be used by us in accordance with this privacy statement and also in accordance with your rights under the Data Protection Legislation.

Do we share your personal information?

Members of the GSA group of companies

GSA operates globally and, as such, has a number of subsidiary companies in various jurisdictions around the world. Your personal information may be shared amongst GSA group companies, but only where it is necessary to do so. The obligations set out within these privacy statements apply to all GSA group companies to the same extent they apply to The Student Housing Company Limited.

For further information on which companies make up GSA, please contact the Data Protection Officer at [email protected]

Third-Party Service Providers

GSA will not share your personal information with any of its service providers.

Regulators and other legal obligations

It is unlikely we will be required to share your information with regulators, crime prevention agencies and other organisations who are permitted access such personal information as a matter of law, however should GSA be requested to do so, GSA have an obligation to fulfil such requests.

Other organisations

GSA may need to share your personal information with the emergency services in cases of need to ensure you are kept informed of any incidents where we are required to.

Does GSA transfer your personal information abroad?

GSA may transfer the information you provide to other GSA group companies outside of the EEA as previously stated. GSA operates a global Data Protection Policy which all GSA group companies must comply with. This ensures the safe handling of your personal information outside of the EEA in compliance with the Data Protection Legislation.

What security measures concerning your personal information do we have in place?

GSA ensures that any personal information you provide to us is securely stored on our systems and servers and that any paper-based records of your personal information will be stored and destroyed in accordance with our data retention policies and procedures. We treat data security with the utmost seriousness and take appropriate measures to implement industry-leading standards to protect your personal information.

GSA further ensures that only relevant members of staff have access to your personal information. This is achieved by our Data Access Policy which provides that your personal information will only be available to relevant members of staff who have a legitimate reason for accessing your personal information.

Can GSA use your information for any other purpose?

GSA will not use your personal information for any other purposes other than you acting as Next of Kin for the student staying in our residence.

How does GSA store your personal information and when does GSA delete it?

GSA stores your personal information on a database that is specific to the student you have been listed as Next of Kin for and provides us with your personal information in order that we may contact you in cases of need. Your personal information is stored in accordance with our Data Retention Policy which states that we will hold your personal data for at least the length of the contract you have guaranteed. Upon the expiry of the contract with the student and the student no longer being resident in our property, GSA deletes your contact information.

GSA maintains a Data Retention Policy which clearly defines the terms of which we are obliged to hold your personal information and once that term comes to an end, we will destroy and/or delete your personal information from our systems and servers.

What are your rights?

The Data Protection Legislation provides individuals with the following rights:

This provides you with the right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal information, our retention periods in relation to your personal information and those with whom we will share your personal data.

You have the right to access the personal information we hold on you, together with certain supplementary information. This allows you to be aware of and verify the lawfulness of the processing of your personal information by GSA and the accuracy of the personal information we hold on you.

If any of the personal information we hold on you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to require that it be corrected and completed as appropriate. You can make a request for us to rectify your personal data verbally or in writing and GSA has one calendar month to respond to your request for rectification.

Under the Data Protection Legislation, you have the right to request that your personal information is erased from our systems and servers (this is also known as ‘the right to be forgotten’). Where your personal information has been shared by GSA with third parties (either other companies within the GSA group or third-party service providers), you also have the right to request that your personal information will be deleted by these third parties. As per your right to rectification, you can request us to erase your personal information verbally or in writing and GSA has one calendar month to respond to your request for erasure. Please note that this right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances.

You have the right to request that GSA restricts or suppresses your personal information. Again, you can request that we restrict our processing activities either verbally or in writing and GSA has one calendar month to respond to your request. Again, this right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances. For example, you may decide that you do not want us to use your personal information for marketing purposes. This would involve us deleting your personal information from our marketing databases.

Under the Data Protection Legislation, you have the right to obtain and reuse your personal information for your own purposes across different services. That right allows you to move, copy or transfer your personal information easily from one IT environment to another in a safe and secure way, without hindering its usability. This information must be provided free of charge and be provided within one calendar month of request.

You have the right to object to your personal information being processed for direct marketing (including profiling). Upon request, GSA is obliged to stop processing your personal information for such purposes and do so free of charge.

The Data Protection Legislation contains rules which aim to protect individuals where there is solely automated decision-making that has legal or similarly significant effects on them. GSA does not carry out this type of personal information processing. However, if you have any concerns that your personal information is being used for this type of activity then please contact the GSA Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

In short, you have the right to

Our obligations to comply with the above rights are subject to certain exemptions and further information on these exemptions can be obtained by contacting the GSA Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

To exercise any of the rights referred to above, you should contact our Data Protection Officer either in writing to: The Data Protection Officer, GSA Group, Meridian House, 16B Dennyview Road, Abbots Leigh, Bristol BS8 3RB or by email to [email protected].

You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (the "ICO") if you are not satisfied with the way in which we use your personal information. You can contact the ICO by writing to Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

What is the legal basis for using your information?

GSA is required to have a “legal basis” for collecting, processing and storing your personal information. Under the Data Protection Legislation, there are six available lawful bases which allow for us to process personal information. These are:

The lawful basis that GSA relies upon when collecting, processing and storing your personal information is Legitimate Interests. This is because we have a legitimate interest in retaining your personal information and contact details in order to contact you in cases of emergency and act in the best interests of the student with whom we have a contract.

GSA’s Data Protection Officer

GSA’s Data Protection Officer has responsibility for overseeing what GSA does with your personal information and ensuring that GSA collects, retains and processes your personal information in compliance with the Data Protection Legislation.

In the event that you have any concerns or queries regarding how GSA uses your personal information, or you have any questions as to how GSA approaches its obligations under the Data Protection Legislation, you can contact the GSA Data Protection Officer by writing to: The Data Protection Officer, GSA Group, Meridian House, 16B Dennyview Road, Abbots Leigh, Bristol BS8 3RB. Alternatively, you can email the GSA Data Protection Officer at: [email protected]  

March 2021