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A day at the Residencia de Estudiantes Galdós

You have just started your last year of high school, but your eyes are already set on next year: university and independence are two concepts that shine in your future, and your mouth is watering just thinking about them.

The EBAU marks, the occasional scare and disappointment, but you've got it: next year you're going to Madrid. The universities, the culture, the parties and living in the capital are calling you. You just need to convince your family to stay calm and let you go in peace; and when you let them drop it one day at lunch .... they looked at you with a face like: 'you're not going to last even 3 days'...right?

Well, this is your day (or your lucky post), because we are going to give you many reasons to come to Madrid and stay in our residence.

Book in our residence and save 200€.

Yes, you read that right! If you book in our student residence at Madrid Galdós before September 15th, you will get a 200€ refund that we will deduct from one of the monthly payments. That's how easy our Cashback promo is but let us give you some details:

It is only applicable to new bookings for the academic year 2021/2022.

The accommodation contract must be for a minimum of 9 months; except in our Student Residence in Oviedo where the minimum contract is 7 months. 

The 200€ will be applied to the last accommodation fee of your 9-month contract.

What you will find at the Residencia Galdós

If there is a mythical student residence in Madrid, it is Galdós. It is located in the heart of Ciudad Universitaria, so your life will be summarized by studying, deciding which of the residence’s daily menus to choose from, making your bed and planning your next laundry.

In this residence we are not afraid of anything: from late sunrises in the room after a longer than usual Saturday night, to TikTok trends in the common areas.

Plus, there's no need to worry about monthly expenses because...take a note of everything that's included with your reservation:

Electricity, water and gas expenses.

Weekly cleaning service and change of sheets.

Full board 7 days a week. Homemade, healthy and delicious menus from our restaurant team.

Wi-Fi connection to test premieres and Ibai Llanos’s streaming videos.

24h security.

Would you like to know what your day to day life would be like in our residence? Go ahead!

A day at Galdós Residence Hall

Picture this! It is dawn in Madrid, the sun wakes you up in your penthouse at the Residencia Galdós and:

8:15 – The last podcast you were listening to comes on at full volume. The day when  ''Estirando el Chicle' ends, you won't know what to do. But it doesn't matter, it's Friday and the body knows it.

8:30 - Backpack in hand you go down to have breakfast in the residence dining room. Between coffee, freshly made toast and freshly squeezed orange juice you meet Luis: he's nice but weird! You meet up to play a game of Super Mario Party in the common room in the afternoon.

8:50 - With so much chit-chat, you end up running a little late. You leave Galdós on your way to the university with just enough time, and it's a good thing you're only 10 minutes away from the university and the History of Journalism teacher is always 5 minutes late.

14:30 - Today you had practices and the last hour felt like forever, hunger presses and you pick up the pace to arrive in less than two minutes to the free salad buffet that is always available at lunchtime. Today there is paella or roast lamb to choose from, you can smell it from the entrance of the corridor. I'm sure the cook has made her famous homemade flan for dessert.

15:30 - You go up to your room to rest and make that coffee quietly in your kitchenette. You have an appointment at 16:30 in the Galdós study room to give your best for the Audio exam that flips you upside down (ouch, those white balances).

18:30 - After an hour and a half of studying, you go to the co-working room to meet your group: you have a project in mind to launch together and you're ready to go! Since you're next door, you put in that laundry you should have put in three days ago..... the number of clean T-shirts you have left is starting to get worrying.

19:00 - Today is Wednesday and it's time for an hour of sweating it out in the 24 h gym of the residence. In the meantime, you watch the latest episode of your favourite series on Netflix and get on the treadmill.

20:00 - Hot, relaxing shower in your room. You sit at the desk to do some writing, reading in bed and chatting with your parents.

21:00 - Time for dinner! You choose the 100% healthy option from the menu (you're almost at the "real-food master" level if it weren't for Saturday nights): grilled fish with baked potatoes and salad with all the ingredients from the buffet (a little bit of cheese that you can't resist).

22:00 - On the way to the common room you learn that the card game is cancelled. Apparently, someone has organized a birthday party. Mental note: find out who the birthday boy is!

23:30 - You can't keep up with your life because you're so tired, but today you're more into music than anything else. Put on the mellow playlist and relax, tomorrow will be another day.

Did you like your hypothetical day? Well, if you want it, you've got it. Come to our Residencia de Estudiantes Galdós in Madrid.