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Discover which job roles suit your personal values and goals after uni…

Choosing the right career path is a crucial decision that can determine the shape of your future, and selecting your degree subject is the beginning of this journey. But, with countless options on the cards, it can be pretty overwhelming to decide which subject aligns best with your unique personality traits and beliefs. To help you out along the way, we have put together this handy suggestive guide to help you discover which job roles might be your perfect match. Without further ado, let's delve into it…

The analytical and organised mind 💻

If you possess a natural affinity for numbers, patterns, and Monica-from-Friends level organisation - a career in data and analysis could be an excellent choice for you. With your superhuman attention to detail and logical thinking, you could thrive in roles that involve statistics or finances. Data analysts, for example, play a crucial role in extracting valuable insights from vast amounts of information, which might come naturally to you if you squeal at the sight of a spreadsheet. Pursuing a degree in mathematics, statistics, or computer science can provide you with a solid foundation.

The creative innovator 🎨

If you have a vivid imagination, a passion for creativity, and a flair for thinking outside the box - a career in graphic design, fashion, or interiors may be a perfect fit for you. Expressing your inner creativity is important to you, and a job involving design, art, or textiles will bring you the fulfilling opportunity to bring your wildest ideas to life, craft visually stunning designs, and create memorable experiences. Take a look at degrees in graphic design, visual arts, fashion, or communications – these will help you hone your skills and develop your keen eye for aesthetics.

The empathetic helper 👩🏾‍⚕️

If you are naturally compassionate, empathetic, and find joy in helping others - a career in healthcare or social work might be your calling. You have a passion for providing care and uplifting others, so choosing a career where you get to do exactly that is a no-brainer for you. Career paths such as nursing, psychology, or counselling will help to fulfil your care-giving needs, empowering you to make a meaningful difference to people’s lives. If this sounds right for you, check out degrees in healthcare, psychology, or social work.  

The pioneering techie 👨🏼‍💻

If you are tech-savvy, enjoy problem-solving, and have an appetite for innovation - a career in software development or engineering might be ideal for you. You love thinking of wild ideas and even wilder outcomes, especially those that will benefit society and humanity overall, so it’s time to harness this passion and get that groundbreaking brain to work! Careers in software development, systems, AI, or engineering will help you utilise your innovative mindset – you might even win awards! Check out degrees in IT or engineering to begin your journey.

The charismatic communicator 🎙

If you own excellent interpersonal skills, love creating connections, and have a way with words - a career in sales, marketing, or public relations could be a natural fit for you. With your ability to charm a room through compelling storytelling, and capacity to convince people with your persuasive communication skills, a career in marketing sounds like the job for you. Roles in digital marketing, copywriting, public relations, or advertising will help to satisfy your craving for captivation – and degrees in said subjects will help to equip you with a solid base. 

So, which one did you identify with most? Discovering the right career path involves a lot of self-reflection - by recognising your strengths and passions, you can embark on a fulfilling educational journey that resonates with who you are. Whether you are analytical, creative, empathetic, innovative, charismatic, or all of the above - there is a world of opportunities waiting for you. Remember, there are thousands of careers out there – so make sure you do your own research, too. Explore your options, and embrace the path that reflects your true self. You’ve got this!