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A Guide to Welcome Week: What Is It and How to Make the Most of It

Welcome to one of the most exciting times of your student life - Welcome Week! Whether you’ve heard it called ‘Orientation Week’ or simply ‘the best week ever’, it’s a chance to settle into campus life, meet new people, and get a first feel for life at college.

But, what exactly happens during Welcome Week, and how can you make sure you get the most out of it? Let’s dive into everything you need to know to kickstart your college experience the right way.

What is Welcome Week?

In simple terms, Welcome Week is your official introduction to college life. It’s a week filled with events, tours, and activities designed to help you get comfortable with your new surroundings. Think of it as a warm-up before the semester kicks off, giving you the opportunity to make friends, meet lecturers, and get familiar with your campus.

But, it’s not just about fun and games (although there’s plenty of that!). Welcome Week is also a time to take care of some of the admin tasks you’ll need for the semester, like picking up your student ID, finalizing your class schedule, and figuring out where your lectures will be held.

What to expect during Welcome Week

Every college has its own Welcome Week schedule, but there are some things you can generally expect, no matter what state you’re studying in. Here are the key activities to look forward to:

How to make the most of Welcome Week

Want to make sure your Welcome Week is one to remember? Here are some tips to get the best out of this exciting time:

  1.  Show up for everything
    Don’t skip out! Even if some events feel outside of your comfort zone, they’re great chances to meet people and learn about your new environment.
  2.  Make new friends
    It can feel daunting at first, but remember, everyone else is in the same boat. Introduce yourself to your dorm mates, chat with the person next to you in line, or join a campus club. The connections you make during Welcome Week often turn into friendships that last throughout college and beyond.
  3. Get organized
    Use Welcome Week to set yourself up for success. Get familiar with your class locations, buy your textbooks, and organize your Welcome Week schedule so you don’t miss any key events.
  4. Explore Your campus
    This is your chance to roam around and find the best hangout spots, study spaces, and, of course, the best food on campus. Knowing your surroundings will make your first weeks of school a lot less stressful. Don’t forget to venture off-campus and explore your new location, too.
  5. Ask questions
    Feeling confused about something? Don’t be afraid to ask. Whether it’s about your academic schedule, student services, or where to find the nearest coffee shop, there will be plenty of friendly staff and students who are happy to help.

What happens after Welcome Week?

Once Welcome Week wraps up, you’ll officially be a college student. But, the fun doesn’t stop there! Now that you’ve made some friends and know your way around campus, you’re ready to dive into your classes and extracurricular activities. Make sure you keep the momentum going by staying involved and maintaining the connections you’ve made.

If you ever feel lost or overwhelmed, just remember that Welcome Week is designed to prepare you for the rest of your college experience. If you’re looking for more advice on how to make your first few weeks a success, we have some other great tips on how to settle into life at university.

For more guides like this one, check out our Student Spill blog where you’ll find plenty of tips and advice about navigating college life.