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Around February you can have a lot of fun, and after January’s exams you deserve it

Okay. The satchels are back on the shelves. The revision notes are filed away. The post-it notes are down from the walls. Basically, student life has returned to normality. But after all that exam work in January, it’s fair to say you’ve earned a reward.

Work hard, play hard. The mantra goes. So let’s look at some things you can do to have fun.

1. Climb a big thing

You just finished your January exams. When you beat a challenge like that, you’ve already proven what a giant you are. Nothing is impossible – and what better way to prove it by climbing something big.

Students in London might climb up Big Ben and enjoy views over the whole city. Students elsewhere might climb Ben Nevis and conquer our highest mountain. If there are no Bens to climb, then the nearest hill is enough. Bonus points for planting a flag at the top.

2. Go and look at spooky stuff

Exams were a time when mettle was proven, fears overcome, endurance tested. And now all that’s behind you, you can rightly feel that little bit stronger.

Use this extra brave feeling to go and lord it over something that one time might have caused fear. Got some mummies in the nearby museum? Some dinosaurs or skeletons? Pah.

As the one time Fresh Prince Will Smith said: “Fear is a choice.”

3. Take a night out to that one place you said looked interesting

Now is one of the furthest points away from the next set of exams. And it’s also one of the best times to do something out of the ordinary.

Some clever psychologists said that when we’re stressed, we’re more likely to stick to our habits. And as now is one of the times when stress is lowest, this is an easier time to try something new.

So whatever that thing is, that thing in the back of your mind that you have been thinking about for a while, go and do it as soon as you can.

4. Cook some fun food

Perhaps you’re on a diet of some kind so keeping a lid on the food you eat is important. If that’s true then that’s fine. But if not then now might be a great time to give yourself a treat and try something different. Get cooking!

Pinterest is your best friend for this little delicious deviance. Check out all the ridiculous stuff on there. It’s ridiculous. Really.

5. Take a rooooooooooadtrip

Grab your mates and leave it all behind for a while: go on a roadtrip.

This could simply mean you find the best place to go for the weekend. Or you could visit a pal’s home in the countryside, or go on an adventure to some place you’ve never been.

Just remember to do some planning before you set off, and pack all the stuff that you think you need. Because with everything prepared right, it could be the adventure of a lifetime.

6. Bonus: wrap up your revision notes in a ball and fire them from a cannon

This is great because it guarantees the catharsis that comes from launching pure evil into the stratosphere. Imagine, you get all those revision notes, stuff them down into the cannon with the rammer, aim at the sky, then light the fuse… and…


Sayonara, notes.

Only then you realise that some of those cinders might have been useful next semester.

Still, it’s okay to dream.

Coming Up Next

Let’s say you’ve climbed a big thing, or cooked or roadtripped, or whatever you chose to do. Then you’ll be ready to tackle the next semester with more energy. Because you’ve had well deserved fun.

We’re always giving tips about how you can have fun, stay charged and keep up with your studies.