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The 3 Kinds of Fun You Ought to Have in London This Summer

These upcoming events are literally everything and more

London isn’t just a place to be this summer. It’s the only place to be. But there are so many events happening around the capital that even if you had all day to spend researching, it would be impossible to find all the best stuff.

Luckily we’ve done the dirty work, and found some of the most affordable events happening in the capital this summer. Follow this advice to get outside of your accommodation and have fun:

Get your art on

This might be the summer of pop up art, with many events being set up across the city by distinguished or prominent artists.

But of everything that’s happening, here’s one thing that caught our eye.

Bold Tendencies. The project has transformed a disused multi-storey car park in Peckham into a summer programme of visual art, architecture, music, theatre, film, literature.

Tickets for the events are only £5, but some of the spectacles are free. For example, sculptor Richard Wentworth has put up a new exhibition on the top of the multi-storey car park. And it’s definitely one for Instagram.

Party on the rooftops

If you’re the kind of person who really likes to climb trees, or just tall things in general, then why not go one better and check out London’s rooftop garden parties?

These are becoming more and more popular across the capital, which is making the variety more exciting. One caught our eye in particular.

Dalston Roof Park. Not only is this a great green space in our urban metropolis, but for a membership fee of just £5 give you access to free film screenings, music events, pop-up talks and workshops. Which is not bad for a student budget.

Get involved in the outdoor fun

When you’ve had enough rooftop excitement, there’s also plenty going on in London back at ground level.

There are plenty of events that look too tempting to miss, and will give you plenty of stories for your friends. But none quite like this one:

Notting Hill Carnival. Billed as Britain’s biggest street party, this Caribbean celebration is a lively event with delicious food, delightful music, and outrageous costumes.

It’s happening from August 30th to 31st. And best of all, it’s completely free.

Have Fun

With all those events, you’ll be set up for a truly great summer in London. And a summer that’s not going to be too much of a sting on the wallet either. That’s the kind of fun we believe in.