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You’ve done it! All those sleepless nights and moments of despair have been worth it as you’ve graduated at long last. The world is your oyster, you feel unstoppable, bring it on world!

Graduation is something that you’ve been aspiring to but now you have to face the challenge of starting your first job. Don’t panic though, University has trained you for this, though you may not know it…

Commuting to Work

Accepting that you will have to get up early in the morning is the first step here, no more 11am alarms for you! Getting to work on time is crucial as it will set you up to become the new office hotshot and show that you are keen to do well.

The best option is to find your own way there for the first day and then once you’ve met a few people ask them for advice on how to get in, they may know the best bus routes or a shortcut to the office.

Invest in a bike! Many companies offer ‘Cycle to Work’ schemes and may reward you for cycling to work. It’s also a great way to keep fit and reduce your travel costs since you won’t be paying for buses or trains.

Learning People’s Names

You may remember from your early days as a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed student how difficult it was to remember everyone’s name. Things are no different at work.

If you’re keen to not act silly by calling everyone ‘Buddy’ or ‘Mate’, try creating a little bird’s-eye drawing of your workplace, with everyone’s name at their desk. Using this will help you remember who that guy in accounts is or who your new office crush is.

Finding something memorable about a person will also help boost your memory of their name. Do you support the same football team? Perhaps they have an accent or a unique hair style.

Sadly though, unlike University, you’re probably the only one who started recently, and your new colleagues already know each other, so for them learning one new name isn’t an issue. People you’ve never seen before, who you apparently work with, will ask you how you are and if you’re enjoying your new job. Just smile and be polite if you don’t know what name to address them by just hope you don’t have to ask them for something!

Dressing to Impress

Don your best outfit and strut like you’re a fashion model! You only get one chance to make a first impression, so make it count. Jeans and a hoodie may not cut it at your work, so it’s always best to check with your boss what the dress code is BEFORE your first day. Trust us when we say turning up to an office in casual gear when everyone else is in a suit is pretty embarrassing…

After a few weeks or so, when you’ve settled in more, you can become a little less formal. Don’t go full casual though, find the balance between comfort and style and you will feel way better about how you look. Who knows? They might even do casual Friday so you can bust out your Uni sports hoodie and brag about how great your University is.

Getting to Know the Area

Have a look around during your lunch break and see what there is near your place of work. You could discover a quirky café or funky restaurant that serves your favourite food. Asking your new colleagues is another quick way to work out what’s around you (and to make small-talk). On the other hand, you could always have a good wander around one weekend, when you have more time to explore.

If you’re working in the same city as your University you’ll probably already know what there is to do and where to eat anyway, but if you’re moving to a new place, check the local guides on our Locations pages – we might covered it all for you already!