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Who’s feeling a little rough then? Freshers’ week is done and dusted, and it doesn’t look like the fun is going to slow down any time soon. Before you attempt to get that UV paint off your jeans, here’s a few ways to help that banging in your head stop.

1. The Power of the Paracetamol

Right, so let’s be honest: paracetamol isn’t going to cure this mother of all hangovers, but it will help lessen the aches and pains of those dance moves. Make sure you stock up on these little capsules of headache-healer so you have enough to last you at least until the next night out.

To up your vitamin levels without having to move or cook anything, get yourself some Berocca tablets. They will help to increase your nutrients, making you feel like you’ve had a plate full of veg, without actually having a plate full of veg. Remember, stock up on these too, unless you do want to have a full plate of veg – that’s your choice.

2. Sleeping Beauty

We bet you can count the number of hours sleep you’ve had on one hand… Are we right? If so, then get back to bed! Quick, before those early lectures start, it’s time to catch up on your shut-eye. A good night’s (or day’s) sleep is a cure for all things hungover. Although, try not to dream about those embarrassing antics you got up to in the Student’s Union the other night.

What better excuse than to lay in bed all day with your new soulmate Netflix? Give yourself some well-earned rest and your freshers’ flu will soon be over.

3. Just Keep Eating, Just Keep Eating

Right, enough of the end-of-the-night kebabs and pizzas, it’s time to get back on the good food kick. Starting to eat a little healthier will help you feel better. And we’re not just saying it, it’s proven: vitamin C helps to protect your cells and keep you healthy. Vitamin C can be found in your fruits and vegetables, so get those sprouts at the ready (too early for Christmas jokes?).

Along with your happy helping of greens, don’t forget to stay hydrated too. And no, not with more alcohol – with water. Water will help to get rid of any of those leftover freshers’ germs you’ve picked up.

4. Did Someone Say House Party?

We know you don’t want to miss out on any freshers’ activities, so how about having a freshers’ night in? It doesn’t have to be a Scrabble night (unless that’s your thing); throwing a house party or attending one will help to fasten the freshers’ flu cure.

How will it help? Well, for one, you won’t have to do the freezing-cold walk between the club and the takeaway. You won’t have to be squashed into sweaty clubs, where you can feel the freshers’ germs building up as you throw your next move. Plus, staying in will help you save a little pocket money for those extra beers at the end of the week.

Flat or house parties are also a great way to integrate with your fellow freshers, but, be careful not to invite the already freshers’-flu-contaminated ones – it’s too late for them.

5. Keep It Clean Guys

No-one likes the idea of having to clean, especially if it’s your student halls, but if you really want to survive freshers’ flu then you’ll need to do just that. Keeping your room and social spaces clean and getting rid of germs lingering about will give you a lovely, clean space to do nothing but chill out in.

You see those stacked up takeaway boxes and the empty glass bottles on the windowsill? Yeah, throw them out. It’s not a competition of how high your bin can get before someone takes it out, because it will be you that has to take it out anyway.

Nothing seems worse than leaving your cosy safe haven of your bed, right? But, if you want to be rid of all things freshers’ flu then we suggest to get up and get out. Go for a walk (even a run if you can stomach it) and get some fresh air. Being outside will help increase your vitamin D levels and you’ll definitely feel more refreshed than lounging around smelling of last night’s takeaway mixed with alcohol (eww!).

There you have it: the five ways to survive freshers’ flu. Remember, these tips come in handy for all those other college nights out too. Let us know if you think of any other freshers’ flu hacks on Facebook or on Twitter @UninestIreland.


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