Looking to refer a friend and earn rewards?
Acquisitions of new customers are rewarded when the recommendee concludes a rental contract with Yugo Germany GmbH and fulfils the following additional conditions:
- A new customer is someone who has not signed a rental contract with Yugo Germany GmbH within the last 12 months.
- The new customer must have reached the age of 18 years.
The recommender himself must be a party of a rental contract with Yugo Germany GmbH.
The only participating Yugo Residence is Yugo Leonis.
Yugo Germany GmbH disapproves of any form of unfair influence on the new customer. The recommender will refrain from false statements and false information about the Residences and in particular about the respective conditions of the rental contract.
The rental agreement with the recomendee must result from a contract that was created within the promotional period (starting 1st of April 2024 until 1st of October 2024) for which the fully completed coupon will be submitted.
For already concluded contracts, no rewards can be granted retrospectively.
The recommender and recommendee receive a 75 EUR Wunschgutschein each, provided that the conditions listed are fulfilled and the fully completed coupon has been handed in at the Space in question.
A cash payment of the rewards is not possible. The vouchers will be sent out within the month after the check-in to all tenants who have moved in and have not used the right to withdraw their contract within 14 days. To those who move in later, we will send the voucher no later than 4 weeks after moving in. The recommender and the recommendee must be different persons.
Yugo Germany GmbH reserves the right to terminate the promotion at any time without prior notice and without giving reasons or, if reasonable, to change these conditions of participation.
Any liability for damages of Yugo Germany GmbH and its executive bodies, employees and vicarious agents for direct or indirect damages arising from or in connection with the promotion, for whatever legal reason, is limited to cases of intent or gross negligence to the extent permitted by law.
Legal recourse is excluded.
Subsidiary agreements and amendments to these terms and conditions must be in writing in order to be effective.
Should individual clauses of these conditions of participation be or become ineffective, this will not affect the legal validity of the remaining conditions of participation. It will be replaced by an appropriate regulation that most closely approximates the purpose of the invalid provision. For all legal relationships that result from the use of the promotion, the law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies.
These terms and conditions are correct as of 21th April 2024.