1 定义
公寓是指附件 1 房型上[绿色边框]所示的区域,包括房舍和公共区域,也可能包括租给其他租户的其他房舍。
公寓 规则是指租赁协议提供方在 "学生公寓公司网站"(https://thestudenthousingcompany.com.au/)上公布的公寓 规则,租赁协议提供方可不时(合理行事)对其进行修改。
Condition Report means means a condition reportprovided by theRENTALPROVIDER to the RENTER in accordance with Section 35 of the ResidentialTenanciesAct.
Co-Rentermeans meansa tenant of any premises within the Apartment other than the Premises.
Fixed Period means meansthefixed periodif any specified in clause 5 of Part A of this agreement.
房產是指本協議 A 部分第 2 條所列的房產。
住宅租賃法案是指1997 年住宅租賃法案 (維吉尼亞州)。 租戶
緊急維修是指住宅租賃法案中定義的 "緊急維修"。
2 租金上调
租赁协议提供方和租房者同意,根据《住宅租赁协议法》第 44 条的规定,租赁协议提供方可通过向租房者发出不少于 60 天的书面通知,不时上调租金,但上调次数不得超过每 12 个月一次。
3 租金减免
(a) 被毁坏,或全部或部分不适合居住,但因租户或租户的合伙人的行为、不作为、过失或疏忽而造成的情况除外,或
(b) 不再可合法用作公寓 ,或
(c) 被当局强制征用或收购,则租金减免。
4 缴纳市政税、地税、水费和其他费用
4.1 租赁协议提供方的义务
(a) 根據任何法令應繳納的差餉、稅款或費用(租賃人根據本協議應繳納的費用 除外),以及
(b) 電力、自來水、煤氣、瓶裝煤氣或燃油供應服務與房產和公共區域初次接 駁的安裝成本和費用、
(c) 向房產及公用地方供應電力、煤氣或燃油的所有費用,以及
(d) 向房產及公用地方供應瓶裝煤氣的所有費用,以及
(e) 向獨立水表的房產及公用地方供水服務的所有費用
5 租户对房舍的使用
5.1 許可用途
(a) 造成或允許對房產或公共區域造成任何損壞;
(b) 造成或允許租用人以外的任何人士在房產或公共區域居住;
(c) 將房產或公共區域內或與房產或公共區域連接的任何水槽、盆、廁所、下水道或類似設施用於其原定用途以外的任何目的,或做任何可能損壞或堵塞房產或公共區域管道排水或下水道系統的事情;
(d) 对租赁协议提供方的财产造成任何损害(不包括合理损耗);或
(e) 在任何阳台上或以其他方式从房舍或公共区域外可见的地方悬挂任何衣物。
5.2 租户的维护
(a) 保持房屋合理的清洁状态;
(b) 将所有生活垃圾放入当地政府提供的垃圾桶内,并在指定的收集日将垃圾桶放出供收集,并将垃圾桶放回指定位置,或将所有生活垃圾放入垃圾槽/房内(如适用);
(c) 向租房提供方支付因租房者或租房者的相关人员对房舍、公共区域或租房提供方的财产造成的任何损坏(不包括合理损耗)的相关维修费用。
5.3 租賃提供者的維修
租賃提供者保留根據第 8 條進入房產和公用區的權利,以便: (a) 更換房產或公用區的燈球和煙霧探測器電池;(b) 清理空調過濾器(如有);及 (c)維修房產和公用區:
(a) 更换房屋或公共区域烟雾探测器的灯罩和电池;
(b) 清洁空调过滤网(如有);以及
(c) 保持房屋和公共区域的良好整洁状态,与租户首次入公寓屋时的状态一致(不包括正常损耗和租户或租户的相关人员造成的任何损坏)。
5.4 产出
(a) 将出租人的所有物品搬出该物业和公共区域;
(b) 使该物业和公共区域保持与出租人首次占用该物业时相同的状态,合理损耗除外 (以《状况报告》为证);
(c) 根据租期开始时的状况,保持房屋和公共区域合理清洁;
(d) 清除或安排清除房屋和公共区域内的所有垃圾;
(e) 确保房屋和公共区域内的所有灯具均有正常工作的灯罩;
(f) 将租房者提供的所有钥匙和其他开启装置或类似装置归还给租房者;
(g) 安排对房屋和公共区域的所有地毯进行专业蒸汽清洗,并向租房者提供一份收据副本作为清洗证明;
(h) 如果出租方提出要求,拆除出租方对房屋或公共区域进行的任何改建,并修复因安装或拆除这些改建而造成的任何损坏。
6.1 开工条件
(i) 房屋空置,且维修良好;以及
(ii) 所有照明设备的灯泡正常工作。
(b) 租户承认,在租户首次开始租用该房屋之日,该房屋的状况良好整洁,详见状况报告。
6.2 持续维护
6..3 紧急维修
(a) 损坏不是由于出租人违反本协议造成的,且
(b) 出租人向出租人发出或合理尝试发出损坏通知,且
(c) 出租人给予出租人合理机会进行修缮,且
(d) 出租人合理尝试让本协议中指定的任何合适的技工进行修缮、
(e) 在适当情况下,由有执照或适当资格的人员进行维修,并且
(f) 出租人尽快向或设法向出租人提供维修的书面细节,包括费用和出租人支付的任何费用的收据。
(a) The RENTAL PROVIDER agrees:
(i) to give the RENTER written notice that the RENTAL PROVIDER intends to sell the Premises, at least 14 days before the Premises are made available for inspection by potential purchasers, and
(ii) to make all reasonable efforts to agree with the RENTER as to the days and times when the Premises are to be available for inspection by potential purchasers.
(b) The RENTER agrees not to unreasonably refuse to agree to days and times when the Premises are to be available for inspection by potential purchasers.
(i) that the RENTER is not required to agree to the Premises being available for inspection more than twice in a period of a week, and
(ii) that, if the parties fail to agree in relation to inspections, the RENTAL PROVIDEDR may at times nominated by the RENTAL PROVIDER show the Premises to potential purchasers not more than twice in any period of a week and must give the RENTER at least 48 hours notice each time;
(iii) the RENTAL PROVIDER must pay the RENTER either half a day’s rent or $30 (whichever is greater) in compensation for each sales inspection that takes place.
(a) The RENTAL PROVIDER agrees that the RENTAL PROVIDER, the RENTAL PROVIDER's agent or any person authorised in writing by the RENTAL PROVIDER, during the currency of this agreement, may only enter the Premises in the following circumstances:
(i) in an emergency (including entry for the purpose of carrying out urgent repairs);
(ii) if the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal so orders;
(iii) if there is good reason for the RENTAL PROVIDER to believe the Premises are abandoned;
(iv) if there is good reason for serious concern about the health of the RENTER or any other person on the Premises and a reasonable attempt has been made to obtain consent to the entry;
(v) to inspect the Premises, if the RENTER is given at least 7 days'
(vi) written notice;
(vii) to carry out, or assess the need for, necessary repairs, if the RENTER is given at least 2 days' notice each time;
(viii) to carry out, or assess the need for, work relating to statutory health and safety obligations relating to the Premises, if the RENTER is given at least 2 days' notice each time;
(ix) to show the Premises to prospective tenants on a reasonable number of occasions if the RENTER is given reasonable notice on each occasion;
(x) as permitted under any other clause in this agreement;
(xi) to value the property, if the RENTER is given 7 days' notice,
(xii) if the RENTER agrees.
(b) The RENTAL PROVIDER agrees that a person who enters the Premises under clause 8(a)(v), 8(a)(vii), 8(a)(viii), 8(a)(ix) or 8(a)(xi) of this agreement:
(i) must not enter the Premises on a Sunday or a public holiday, unless the RENTER agrees, and
(ii) may enter the Premises only between the hours of 8.00 a.m and 6.00 p.m., unless the RENTER agrees to another time. and
(c) The RENTAL PROVIDER agrees that, except in an emergency (including to carry out urgent repairs), a person other than the RENTAL PROVIDER or the RENTAL PROVIDER's agent must produce to the RENTER the RENTAL PROVIDER's or the RENTAL PROVIDER's agent's written permission to enter the Premises.
(d) The RENTER agrees to give access to the Premises to the RENTAL PROVIDER, the RENTAL PROVIDER's agent or any person, if they are exercising a right to enter the Premises in accordance with this agreement.
(a) The RENTER agrees:
(i) not to install any fixture or renovate, alter or add to the Premises or the Common Area without the RENTAL PROVIDER's written permission, and
(ii) not to carry out any works including maintenance works to the Premises or the Common Area without the RENTAL PROVIDER's written permission, and
(iii) not to remove, without the RENTAL PROVIDER's permission, any fixture attached by the RENTER that was paid for by the RENTAL PROVIDER or for which the RENTAL PROVIDER gave the RENTER a benefit equivalent to the cost of the fixture, and
(iv) to notify the RENTAL PROVIDER of any damage caused by removing any fixture attached by the RENTER, and
(v) to repair any damage caused by removing the fixture or compensate the RENTAL PROVIDER for the reasonable cost of repair.
(b) The RENTAL PROVIDER agrees not to unreasonably refuse permission for the installation of a fixture by the RENTER or to a minor alteration, addition or renovation to the Premises by the RENTER but the RENTAL PROVIDER may at its absolute discretion withhold approval to any alteration which affects the Common Area or the structure of the Premises.
(a) The RENTAL PROVIDER agrees:
(i) to provide and maintain locks or other security devices necessary to keep the Apartment reasonably secure;
(ii) to give each RENTER under this agreement a copy of the key or opening device or information to open any lock or security device for the Apartment or common property to which the RENTER is entitled to have access;
(iii) not to alter, remove or add any lock or other security device without reasonable excuse (which includes an emergency, an order of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, termination of a co-tenancy or an apprehended violence order prohibiting a RENTER or occupant from having access) or unless the RENTER agrees; and
(iv) to give each RENTER under this agreement a copy of any key or other opening device or information to open any lock or security device that the RENTAL PROVIDER changes as soon as possible (and no later than 7 days) after the change.
(b) The RENTER agrees:
(i) not to alter, remove or add any lock or other security device without reasonable excuse (which includes an emergency, an order of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, termination of a co-tenancy or an apprehended violence order prohibiting a RENTER or occupant from having access) without the RENTAL PROVIDER’s consent (which cannot be unreasonably withheld); and
(ii) to give the RENTAL PROVIDER a copy of the key or opening device or information to open any lock or security device that the RENTER changes within 7 days of the change.
(c) A copy of a changed key or other opening device need not be given to the other party if the other party agrees not to be given a copy or the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal authorises a copy not to be given or the other party is prohibited from access to the Apartment by an apprehended violence order.
(a) if the name and telephone number or contact details of the RENTAL PROVIDER change, to give the RENTER notice in writing of the change within 14 days;
(b) if the address of the RENTAL PROVIDER changes (and the RENTAL PROVIDER does not have an agent), to give the RENTER notice in writing of the change within 14 days;
(c) if the name, telephone number or business address of the RENTAL PROVIDEDR's agent changes or the RENTAL PROVIDER appoints an agent, to give the RENTER notice in writing of the change or the agent's name, telephone number and business address, as appropriate, within 14 days; and
(d) if the RENTAL PROVIDER or RENTAL PROVIDER's agent is a corporation and the name or business address of the corporation changes, to give the RENTER notice in writing of the change within 14 days.
12.1 Owners corporation rules
The RENTER must comply with any Owners Corporation rules that apply to the Premises or the Common Area.
12.2 Building rules
The RENTER must comply with the Building Rules except to the extent that they are contrary to the express provisions of this agreement.
(a) The RENTAL PROVIDER agrees to ensure that smoke alarms are installed in the Premises the Common Area at the date the RENTER first occupies the Premises as required by law and tested every 12 months.
(b) The RENTER agrees not to remove or interfere with the operation of a smoke alarm installed on the Premises or the Common Area.
(c) The RENTER agrees to test the operation of all smoke detectors no less than every 4 weeks whilst in occupation of the Premises. Should the RENTER find that a battery operated smoke detector requires replacement batteries, the RENTER must notify the RENTAL PROVIDER’s agent and the RENTAL PROVIDER must immediately replace it.
14 保险
15.1 租户同意在收到邮件后7天内将所有投递到房屋但不是寄给租户或共同租户的邮件转交给租房提供人的代理。
15.2 租户同意保持房屋通风,以免房屋或公共区域的内墙或天花板出现霉菌、霉斑或其他孢子。
15.3 对于因租房者使用房屋或公共区域而造成的任何损失、索赔或责任,租房者向出租方作出赔偿,但出租方的违约、疏忽行为或不作为除外。
15.5 租房者同意房屋内部和公共区域为禁烟区。因此,吸烟仅限于房屋外部和公共区域,且租房者同意负责妥善处理花园、草坪、阳台、露台以及房屋外部和公共区域的所有烟蒂。
16 共同租房者
(a) 公寓旨在并可能包括共同租用人;
(b) 房舍可能不单独上锁;
(c) 对于租用人因使用或占用房舍和公共区域(包括与任何共同租用人的行为有关)而遭受的损失 或损害(包括受伤或死亡),租用人完全免除租赁协议供应商的所有责任,但因租赁协议供应商的疏忽而造 成的损失或损害除外。
17 公共区域
17.1 在本协议有效期内,出租方许可租户与任何共同租户共同将公共区域用于与房 产使用相关的居住用途。
17.2 如果出租人(合理行事)可以确定并满意地认为,房屋或公共区域的任何损坏是由共同租户造成的,或者是共同租户的责任,则该共同租户应负责修复这些损坏。.3 如果无法令租赁协议提供方(合理行事)满意地确定房屋或公共区域的任何损坏是由共同租用人造成的,或在其他方面是由共同租用人负责的,则租赁协议方承认并同意其应与共同租用人一起对公共区域或房屋的修复承担连带责任。