Looking for student accommodation in Southampton? We've got two fantastic options, both in the heart of the city.
Austen House is just a few minutes’ walk from Solent University, and a 15-minute stroll from the University of Southampton. Crescent Place is literally over the road from Solent, and a short bus ride to Southampton Uni. Both offer ensuite rooms and studios and you can be more or less sociable in a two-bed flat or a six or eight-bed classic house.
And of course, all of our student housing in Southampton comes with helpful extras such as high-speed internet, 24-hour support from our amazing team, a parcel service and on-site laundry.
With all of that included in the rent and more, plus some funky styling, our spaces are miles apart from traditional student halls. You don't just get the best student accommodation in Southampton. You get the best student living experience too.