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An Internship at The Student Housing Company

We’ve asked Jarrod, our Marketing Intern to give you all the inside information on his experience interning with us at The Student Housing Company. Jarrod studied Media Culture and Production at Southampton Solent University.

I’ve been working with The Student Housing Company since September 2017, so moving on to do the marketing internship over the last three months felt like a natural step.

Before starting, I lived in Austen House, Southampton and also worked as a resident assistant there. My claim (and one I’m sticking too) is that I was the first person to actually move into Austen House when it opened in September 2016!

Living in Austen House was a lot of fun and it made my last two years at university super easy. It was great not having to worry about things like paying bills or worrying if anything broke, because everything was there for you and included in the rent. Austen House has 9 common rooms which made every evening pretty different as there was always something going on. If it wasn’t an event that was being run by the on site team, it’d be something my flatmates and I decided to do.

Like I mentioned above, I also became a resident assistant. This was a great role and was something I really enjoyed. This is partly because you really got to know the people living in the residence and make friends, as well as being able to run events going on around the building. We also got to dress the common room up for Halloween and Christmas which always got you in the spirit of things.

Saying goodbye to my room at Austen House(pictured above) was sad, but moving on up to The Student Housing Company’s head office was an exciting step. I’ve had the chance to do more than I’d imagined when I first joined. It was naturally a great step as I had just come from a university so I could bring in all of the fresh ideas that I’d been able to learn whilst at uni. Since starting, I have been looking after social media. This includes creating fun content such as video posts, replying to students and weekly reporting.

My time working at the head office has been beneficial and I’ve learnt a lot about how the business works as a whole. I’ve been thrown into tasks since my first day and this has been extremely useful when trying to gather up as much experience as possible. There isn’t really a typical day because each day presents something new and exciting to be getting on with, whether this is updating socials and creating new content or visiting cities around the country to move people into their new home or taking part in a Freshers fair. This is why the role is so exciting, you can never really come into work expecting to know what’s going to happen as it could all change in an instant and that’s the best part!

If you get the opportunity to take on a role like this, I’d say it’s definitely worth doing as you’ll gain valuable experience that could help you throughout your remaining time at university and in the working environment.