Reimage. Recreate. Restore.
The theme of World Environment Day 2021 is “Ecosystem Restoration,” and the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration will be launched. Growing trees, greening cities, rewilding gardens, changing diets, and cleaning up rivers and coasts are all examples of ecosystem restoration. This is the generation that can improve our harmonious living with nature.
To restore the ecosystem, we must also acknowledge all the things we are doing that harm it. Are you aware that every time you send an email, post a tweet or decide to watch an episode on Netflix, you are indirectly causing environmental damage? Every time we use the internet or social media, we emit a small amount of carbon. While one person's usage produces only a small amount of carbon dioxide, the total amount of carbon emissions produced by the world's digital usage is monstrous - and concerning.
According to the research of over 1,000 16 – 25-year-olds conducted by The Student Housing Company (TSHC), the damaging impacts of people’s digital footprint becomes clearer, most of the students (55%) are still unaware of how big an impact their digital footprint has on the environment.
Here are 4 easy ways to reduce your digital carbon footprint:
1. Turn off your laptop or computer when they aren’t being used
Turning off your computer and, more broadly, any electronic equipment that is not in use should be at the top of your list for reducing the amount of energy consumed by digital devices. Even if the amount of energy is small, the fact that it is used while a machine is sleeping implies that it is effectively wasted It only uses a bit of energy, but energy is being consumed nonetheless. Plus, lowering your screen brightness can improve machine battery life while also making them more environmentally friendly.
2. Use your browser wisely (not what you’re thinking)
There are a few browsing habits you should avoid if you want to reduce your personal carbon footprint. First and foremost, try to keep the number of tabs you have open at any given time to a minimum, and use bookmarks rather than Google searches to find frequently visited websites.
3. Stop the autoplaying video function
You can turn off autoplaying videos on Youtube Desktop by turning off the blue dot beside the word “Autoplay” above the column of video thumbnail images when you are watching a video on Youtube.
4. Spend less time on your phone
Picture this, instead of reaching for your phone every time you have a spare moment, consider diving into a daydream, people-watching, or listen to what is going on around you. You will not only do a good deed for the environment but you will also do a good deed for your brain. Your boredom may contain a spark of genius ideas!
We can reduce our carbon footprint by making small, simple changes that help to reduce CO2 emissions, what changes will you make?